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The Broken Lightbulb

Back in middle school, I found myself deeply embarrassed about my flaws. I would write them down in my journal but in “code” due to my fear of other people looking into my journal. My mind was symbolized by a lightbulb, broken and unusable. I begged God to “repair the lightbulb”. To me, I had a deep sense that there was something wrong with me. That perhaps, if God just glued my pieces back together, I could shine again. As you know, you cannot repair a broken lightbulb, as after it breaks, its only use is to be thrown away. However, what I discovered in high school was that Christ was the sun, a light shining through the lightbulb brighter than it ever could. My “broken self” could be redeemed by allowing Christ to be that hope.

“In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it”

John 1:4-5